Research Groups: Musculoskeletal Biology

Research Centres: MicroCT

Gareth is a qualified vet currently in his third year of his PhD in skeletal imaging.  

Gareth graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2017, achiving both his BVetMed degree and an interacalted BSc in Comparative Pathology. After working in a busy small animal first opinion hospital, he completed the small animal internship at the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals (2019-2020), and then enrolled onto a PhD programme here at the RVC investigating new imaging biomarkers for canine osteroarthritis, supervised by both Profs Richard Meeson and Andy Pitsillides.

Journal publications:

Mangano ER, Jones GMC, Suarez-Bonnet A, Waller AS, Priestnall SL. Streptococcus zooepidemicus in dogs: exploring a canine pathogen through multilocus sequence typing. (2024). Veterinary Microbiology. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2024.110059

Jones GMC, Gosby M, May E, Meeson RL. Evaluation of Subchondral Bone Cysts in canine elbows with radiographic Osteoarthritis secondary to elbow dysplasia. (2023). Vet Surg. doi:10.1111/vsu.14047

Banks C, Jones GMC, Meeson RL. A mismatch of planning and achieved tibial plateau angle in cranial closing wedge surgery: An in silico and clinical evaluation of 100 cases. (2023). Vet Surg. doi:10.1111/vsu.13998

Jones GMC, Cherubini GB, Llabres-Diaz F, Caine A, De Stefani A. A case series of 37 surgically managed, paraplegic, deep pain negative French bulldogs, with thoracolumbar intervertebral disc extrusion, from two English referral centres. (2023). Vet Rec Open, 10:e61, doi:10.1002/vro2.61

Hopkinson M, Jones GMC, Evans L, et al. A new method for segmentation and analysis of bone callus in rodent fracture models using micro-CT. (2023). J Orthop Res, 1- 12, doi:10.1002/jor.25507

Jones GMC, Pitsillides AA, Meeson, RL. Moving beyond the limits of detection: the past, the present, and the future of diagnostic imaging in canine osteoarthritis. (2022). Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, doi:10.3389/fvets.2022.789898

Fentem R, de Stefani A, Quintana RG, Alcoverro E, Jones GMC, Amengual-Batle P, Gonçalves R. Risk factors associated with short-term mortality and recurrence of status epilepticus in dogs. (2022). Journal of veterinary internal medicine, 36 (2), doi:10.1111/jvim.16353

Jones GMC, Volk HA, Packer RMA. Research priorities for idiopathic epilepsy in dogs: Viewpoints of owners, general practice veterinarians, and neurology specialists. (2021). Journal of veterinary internal medicine, 35 (3), doi:10.1111/jvim.16144

Holder A, Jones GMC, Soutter F, Palmer DB, Aspinall R and Catchpole B.‘Polymorphisms in the canine IL7R 3′UTR are associated with thymic output in Labrador retriever dogs and influence post-transcriptional regulation by microRNA 185. (2018). Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 81, doi:10.1016/j.dci.2017.12.008.

Conference publications:

Jones GMC, Pitsillides AA, Meeson RL. Mapping 3D variation in epiphyseal architecture reveals distinct spatially-conserved patterns of bone organisation in normal canine femoral heads: a foundation for early OA detection. (2023). Poster presentation at the Bone Research Society’s annual meeting in Liverpool 2023.

Jones GMC, Gosby MR, May EM and Meeson RL. Subchondral Bone Cysts Predict Presence and Severity of Osteoarthritis in Canine Elbows. (2022) Vet Surg, 52 (5) 713-863, doi:10.1111/vsu.13854. Oral presentation at ECVS Annual Meeting 2022 in Porto.

Jones GMC, Cherubini GB, Llabres-Diaz FJ, Caine AR and De Stefani A. Short term outcomes of surgically treated, paraplegic, nociceptive negative French bulldogs diagnosed with intervertebral disc extrusions. (2021), JVIM, 36(1) 300-352, doi:10.1111/jvim.16332. Poster presentation at ECVN Annual Meeting 2021 (Virtual).

Jones GMC, Packer RMA and Volk HA. Owners and veterinary practitioners’ viewpoint of the future direction of research in canine epilepsy. (2020) BSAVA Congress Proceedings, 440-440. Oral presentation at BSAVA Congress 2020 (Virtual).

Priestnall S, Charbonneau A, Steward K, Jones GMC, Waller A. Sequence type diversity in canine streptococcus zooepidemicus. (2019). Oral Presentation at the Dorothy Havemeyer Foundation Workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Holder A, Jones GMC, Soutter F and Catchpole B. Polymorphisms in the canine interleukin-7 receptor gene are associated with thymic output in young dogs. (2014). Immunology, 143: 62–176, doi:10.1111/imm.12406 (Page 128). Poster presentation.


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