Published: 17 Jun 2014 | Last Updated: 10 Aug 2023 15:19:03

The owner of a pet nutrition company has visited the Royal Veterinary College to present proceeds from his many charitable endeavours to the RVC's Animal Care Trust.

The sponsored events that Pooch & Mutt owner Guy Blaskey has completed on behalf of the Trust over the last two years include the London Marathon, the London Triathlon, Tough Mudder and an Ironman Triathlon.

Guy Blaskey
Guy Blaskey running in a triathlon in his Animal Care Trust colours

The Animal Care Trust is the RVC's registered charity. It raises funds to support the RVC's wide range of activities aimed at improving animal health and well-being. The Trust purchases cutting-edge equipment for the RVC’s hospitals and also funds the building of new facilities and the enhancement of existing hospitals. Money raised by the Trust supports RVC research into pioneering treatments for animal diseases.

Guy presented a cheque of £1,500 when visiting on June 18th and also was shown around the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, one of the beneficiaries of his efforts.   

Explaining why he completed events on behalf of the Animal Care Trust, Guy said: “Donating to the RVC Animal Care Trust is clearly a way to help animals lead happy, healthy lives, not just in the short-term, as with many other charities, but in the long term. Helping to fund research into future cures for animal conditions, as well as helping to train the next generation of veterinary professionals is something that we are very proud to help with in whatever way we can.”

He also said: “Fundraising is not easy - and it gets harder the more that you do. In 2012 I raised money for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People by running the London Marathon. I knew that running that marathon again in 2014 would not be enough to get people donating, so I created a quadrilogy of events; The 'Steel Man' Olympic distance triathlon 2013, Tough Mudder (a 13 mile obstacle race with electric shocks!), The London Triathlon 2013 (Olympic distance) and culminating in the London Marathon 2014. This helped to get a few more donations.

“Additionally, in the Pooch & Mutt treat range we have a product called 'Charity Chicken'. For each tube of Charity Chicken treats sold we donate 10p to a dog-related charity. Some of the money from sales has been donated to the Animal Care Trust.

Guy Blaskey presenting cheque
(Left to right) Guy Blaskey, Dawn Brindle (ACT Development Officer), with Kim Hunter (QMHA Patient Flow Manager) and Claire Mellis (ACT Senior Development Officer)

After welcoming Guy to the RVC, RVC Development Officer Dawn Brindle said: “We are hugely grateful to Guy for taking on these enormous challenges and for his dedication to raising money for our work.

“All of our challenge event participants really do help to raise vital funds. Money donated allows us to care for over 24,000 poorly pets each year in our world-class animal hospitals as well as enabling us to research life-threatening conditions affecting thousands of animals. The £1,500 Guy has raised helps make our important work possible.”

To find out how to support the RVC's activities, to improve animal health and well-being, via sponsored events or in other ways (that don't require quite so much effort!), visit
Animal Care Trust.

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