Published: 15 Jan 2016 | Last Updated: 15 Jan 2016 16:05:17

Our group was well represented at ISVEE 14 (International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics) in Yucatan last November. We gave 27 oral presentations (out of 420) and presented 8 posters (out of 242), plus several where we were named as co-author. Prof Jonathan Rushton gave one of only 6 keynote presentations at the conference and we ran two of the three post-symposium workshops.

Highlights of conference, people presenting, meeting and socialising

Our Vet Epi alumni reunion at a restaurant in central Merida on the first evening of the conference was a great success with everyone enjoying the delicious Mexican food, fiesta atmosphere and the chance to catch up with colleagues past and present.

Photo of all attendees raising their glasses in a toast

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