Page 1 - Clinical Connections - Summer 2024
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                                                                            RVC Clinical Services Newsletter  Summer 2024


        Rosanne Jepson, Professor in Small Internal Medicine and Nephrology
               n RVC  team has  become  the   RVC founding members.             my  knowledge  and  clinical  capabilities  in
               first  in  Europe  to  offer  advanced   Dogs and cats with urinary tract conditions   nephrology  and  urology  through  training
        A training in small animal nephrology   are  often  managed  initially  by  veterinary   from internationally renowned experts.
        and urology. In 2022, Professors Jonathan   surgeons who have interest in small animal   “Although  I  am  still  early  in  the
        Elliott, Hattie Syme, Rebecca Geddes and I   medicine.  However,  the  breadth  and   programme, I have greatly enjoyed building
        became founding members of the American   complexity of disease conditions recognised,   my  competency  in  interventional  urology
        College  of  Veterinary  Nephrology  and   and  the  development  of  advanced   and  have  already  benefited  enormously
        Urology (ACVNU), a new specialist college.   procedures,  means  that  nephrology  and   from  the  wealth  of  experience  shared  by
        In September 2023, the ACVNU welcomed   urology  is  becoming  an  important  area  of   the supervisory team, as well as the online
        its first UK-based resident, Jack Lawson.   specialisation  in  veterinary  medicine  in  its   curriculum.”
          The  programme  includes  a  two-year   own right.
        curriculum delivered online for international   Jack  Lawson,  who  has  a  PhD  in  feline   Research-informed practice
        participation, together with advanced clinical   chronic  kidney  disease  (CKD)  and  is  an   The RVC team has a strong clinical and
        and practical training in the management of   RCVS  Specialist  in  Small  Animal  Internal   research  focus  on  conditions  affecting  the
        cats and dogs with conditions relating to the   Medicine, says of the programme: “I opted   urinary tract. This includes a world-leading
        urinary  tract,  under  the  supervision  of  the   to pursue the ACVNU diploma to advance   longitudinal  health  screening  programme,

        P. 4                       P. 5                      P.6                        P.10
        HAEMOLYTIC                 DONOR CAT SAVED BY  CARDIOTHORACIC                   THE JOURNEY OF A
        ANAEMIA CASE               OWN DONATION              TEAM PROGRESS              DOG CALLED WORM
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