VetCompass research in The Kennel Scope
VetCompass research output features strongly in this months edition of The Kennel Scope magazine, published last week by the Kennel Club.
The Kennel Scope magazine is a free, quarterly e-newsletter aimed at keeping veterinary professionals informed of the latest news and developments in canine health, including up-to-date research on health issues and the availability of practical tools for use by their practices and dog-owning clients. Each edition is sent out electronically to subscribers (currently a 3,800 strong group of largely vets, vet nurses and veterinary students) and remains accessible online at the KC website to anyone with an interest in canine health.
In Issue 9 (June 2015) a feature article on page 5 promotes the infographic, educational posters developed with Medivet and the RSPCA to present VetCompass findings on the prevalence of common canine disorders. In addition, a recently published VetCompass breed-specific study looking at commonly diagnosed disorders in UK Cavalier King Charles spaniels is summarised on page 9 (full length paper available here).
Click here to go directly to the current issue!
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