An appropriate worming programme is an essential part of your horse’s management as these internal parasites can cause a wide range of problems from weight loss to colic and diarrhoea.

It is important that worming programmes are tailored to the individual situation in order that horses receive adequate protection whilst endeavouring to minimise treatments to reduce the development of resistance in the worm population.

Ideally, where horses are in a small group and the fields are managed with regular poo-picking, a strategic programme can be followed. This is where treatments are guided to a large extent by faecal worm egg counts, a simple test that can be run in our in-house laboratory where a small sample of your horse’s droppings are examined under a microscope for worm eggs. However, these strategic programmes are not as well suited to the large yard situation with multiple horses in small field or where poo-picking is not feasible. 

RVC practice vets are very happy to create a personalised worming programme for your horse free of charge, or to give advice as required. 

Our dispensary stocks a comprehensive range of wormers at a competitive price that are available without prescription: 

Ensure that you give your horse the correct dose of wormer by checking their weight with a weigh tape. These are also available from the dispensary.  

Call the dispensary on 01707 666409 to place an order or drop in Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm

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