Special Exam Arrangements

The purpose of special examination arrangements is to provide an environment that gives all students an equal opportunity for assessment.

There will be some occasions when it is not possible to amend the time, or method of the assessment, due to the nature of the competency being tested. For example, for competency reasons a specific emergency procedure must be completed in a set time. However, the College will attempt to ensure that where possible, reasonable adjustments are made to support all students who apply for special arrangements.

Who can apply? 

Any student with a long-term health condition or disability, including a diagnosed learning difference such as dyslexia or dyspraxia may apply for special exam arrangements.  If you have a learning difference you should check well in advance that the diagnostic evidence is acceptable for Higher Education.  Students who have a 'Provision of Need' from their school or college are likely to need an updated assessment in order to access special exam arrangements.

In addition, short-term health conditions affecting a student’s ability to undertake an exam under standard conditions may also apply (pregnancy, broken limbs etc). Please see the relevant pages on 'Learn' for more details.

How to apply

All requests for these go through the Advice Centre so please email disability@rvc.ac.uk or make an appointment via Learn to see the Disability Adviser. Any request for special exam arrangements must be supported by appropriate and up to date medical evidence or relevant diagnostic reports. All requests must be made at least 20 working days prior to your examinations. If an application is made after this time, arrangements cannot be guaranteed for that exam period. The Exams Office will confirm the specific details of your examinations. Unless otherwise stated these arrangements remain in place for the duration of your course and you do not need to reapply.


 Please note with the exception of emergency cases, applications received within 20 working days of the exam will not be considered until the next exam period. If you need to make an exceptional request after the advised timeframe this request should be sent directly to the Exams Office for consideration.

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