Dr Richard Booth
Associate Professor in Veterinary Extension Services and Infectious Diseases of Cattle
Department: Pathobiology and Population Sciences
Campus: Hawkshead
Research Groups: Sustainable Food Systems, IRLFS (Research Programme)
Clinical Groups: Farm Animal Health
Head of the Farm Animal Health and Production Group and Associate Professor in Veterinary Extension Services and Infectious Diseases of Cattle
Dr Richard Booth qualified from the University of Bristol with a degree in Veterinary Science in 2005 having also completed an intercalated BSc in Veterinary Pathology at The Royal Veterinary College. He then went on to study for a PhD at the RVC entitled “Bovine Virus Diarrhoea Virus - A Longitudinal Farm Study Of The Health Profiles And Molecular Epidemiology Associated With Viral Control”.
Richard is now Head of the Farm Animal Health and Production Group at RVC and oversees our farm teaching with particular involvement in final year rotations and the links with our offsite teaching partners; Synergy Farm Health, Endell Veterinary Group and Torch Farm Vets.
Externally, Richard is a Director of CHeCS (the Cattle Health Certification Standards) and a member of the Technical Group for the programme, he also sits on the BVDFree England Technical Group and is an Editor for Livestock.
Refereed Journals:
Booth RE, Brownlie J: Establishing a pilot bovine viral diarrhoea virus eradication scheme in Somerset. Vet Rec 2012, 170(3):73.
Booth RE, Cranwell MP, Brownlie J: Monitoring the bulk milk antibody response to BVDV: the effects of vaccination and herd infection status. Vet Rec 2013, 172(17):449.
Jones BA, Sauter-Louis C, Henning J, Stoll A, Nielen M, Van Schaik G, Smolenaars A, Schouten M, den Uijl I, Fourichon C et al: Calf-level factors associated with bovine neonatal pancytopenia--a multi-country case-control study. PloS one 2013, 8(12):e80619.
Laureyns J, Booth RE, Sarrazin S, Deprez P, Pfeiffer DU, Dewulf J, De Vliegher S: Assessment of two essential elements of BVDV control on selected Flemish dairy and beef farms. VLAAMS DIERGENEESKUNDIG TIJDSCHRIFT, 2013, 82(6):356-362.
Booth RE, Thomas CJ, El-Attar LM, Gunn G, Brownlie J: A phylogenetic analysis of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) isolates from six different regions of the UK and links to animal movement data. Veterinary research 2013, 44(1):43.
Booth RE, Brownlie J: Do Type 2 viruses pose a risk to bovine viral diarrhoea virus control in the UK? Livestock 2015, 20(2):66-70.
Booth RE, Brownlie J: Comparison of bulk milk antibody and youngstock serology screens for determining herd status for Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus. BMC veterinary research 2016, 12(1):177.
Booth RE, MacGillivray F, Armstrong D, Brownlie J: Control of bovine viral diarrhoea virus at the national level: a brief summary of European BVD control past, present and future. Livestock 2016, 21(6):338-345.
Cardwell JM, Van Winden S, Beauvais W, Mastin A, De Glanville WA, Hardstaff J, Booth RE, Fishwick J, Pfeiffer DU: Assessing the impact of tailored biosecurity advice on farmer behaviour and pathogen presence in beef herds in England and Wales. Preventive veterinary medicine 2016, 135:9-16.
Mahendran SA, Booth R, Bell NJ, Burge M: Randomised positive control trial of NSAID and antimicrobial treatment for calf fever caused by pneumonia. Vet Rec 2017, 181(2):45.
Sauter-Louis C, Jones BA, Henning J, Stoll A, Nielen M, Van Schaik G, Smolenaars A, Schouten M, den Uijl I, Fourichon C et al: Herd-level animal management factors associated with the occurrence of bovine neonatal pancytopenia in calves in a multi-country study. PloS one 2017, 12(7):e0179878.
Mahendran SA, Booth R, Beekhuis L, Manning A, Blackmore T, Vanhoudt A, Bell N: Assessing the effects of weekly preweaning health scores on dairy calf mortality and productivity parameters: cohort study. Vet Rec 2017, 181(8):196.
Hardstaff JL, Hunt H, Tugwell, L, Thomas CJ, El-Attar L, Brownlie J, Booth RE: Survey of wild cervid bloods for Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) across England and Wales. Vet Rec 2020, [Epub ahead of print]
Non-refereed Journals:
Brownlie J, Booth RE: Bovine viral diarrhoea: update on disease and its control. Veterinary Times 2014.
Brownlie J, Booth RE: Diagnostic tests to detect and eradicate BVDV in herds. Veterinary Times 2014.
Antimicrobial usage in farm animal veterinary practice in the UK: A mixed-methods approach (In Progress)
People: David Brodbelt, Dan O'Neill, Richard Booth
Vet Compass Project Type: Farm Animal
The aims of this study are to estimate current antimicrobial usage in Farm Veterinary Practice and investigate the intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors associated with farm veterinarian decision-making when prescribing antimicrobials as well as exploring the drivers behind farmers' decision when using antimicrobials.
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea
Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) is a pestivirus infection of cattle. It causes a variety of clinical outcomes ranging from the inapparent (sub-clinical) to the more severe, including abortion, infertility, an immuno-suppression that underlies calf respiratory and enteric diseases, and most dramatically, the fatal mucosal disease.
The disease is maintained by a small population of animals that become persistently infected (PI) with the virus. These PI animals are the major reservoir of BVDV and arise after becoming infected whilst in the uterus during early pregnancy. Such infections remain throughout the pregnancy and, after birth, for the lifetime of the animal.
Collaborative research involving the wider veterinary profession to assess passive transfer status of UK dairy herds
RVC researchers have begun what they hope will be the largest study of its kind within the United Kingdom, to determine and benchmark individual and herd-level passive transfer status across dairy herds within the UK.
VetCompass Project
VetCompass is a welfare-focussed epidemiological research project that shares anonymised clinical data from veterinary practices to investigate the frequency and nature of companion animal health problems.
Modern veterinary medicine has access to increasingly effective tools for diagnosis and treatment; yet many animals still continue to suffer from disorders that might be reduced or avoided if risks were better understood and measured.