RVC participates in several Transformative Agreements (hereafter TAs, also known as ‘Read and Publish’ agreements) which combine an institution’s journal subscription and Open Access (OA) publishing costs into a single payment, providing all RVC corresponding authors with OA publishing opportunities in over 6500 journals at no cost, and at a discounted rate in an additional 1000 journals. For further information on TAs and the specific publisher agreements we have in place please see our Transformative Agreements page.

The search tool below allows you to find journals covered by our agreements, providing additional details such as the Publisher, journal OA type, and level of discount. The search bar allows the use of Boolean and Wildcard searches, as explained below.

Once you've identified a journal please consult our Transformative Agreements page prior to submission and contact publicationsrepos@rvc.ac.uk if you have any questions.

How to Use the Boolean Operators & Wildcards

Boolean Searches:

  • "biotech AND medicine" → Journals with both "biotech" and "medicine".
  • "biotech OR medicine" → Journals with either "biotech" or "medicine".
  • "biotech NOT medicine" → Journals with "biotech" but NOT "medicine".

Wildcard Searches (*)

  • "bio*" → Matches "biotechnology", "biomedical", etc.
  • "*tech" → Matches "biotech", "nanotech", "agritech", etc.
  • "*science*" → Matches "computer science", "life sciences", etc.


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